Answer all of your questions

1Why should i get online Quran learning lessons?
You have technology in your hands and mostly prefer to perform our task digitally. In the same way you would also prefer an online Quran Academy for you and your kids. Using an online Academy you can learn Quran anytime from anywhere. Moreover you can perform your social responsibilities alongside.
1What will be the duration of course?
Our onboard faculty has designed the courses with proper planning. You will get the complete information on the courses page.
1What are the prerequisites of starting this course?
For online Quran learning you just need a computer/laptop/mobile and a reliable internet connection.
1Will these courses help me out in attempting tests and examination?
Yes, the courses will for sure enhance your knowledge about Quran and Islam. Consequently you will get assistance in attempting any relevant exam and test.
1Can I get discount in my Fee?
Yes, you can get discount in your fee if any one registers on our platform by your reference.
1Is it necessary to take a trial class?
Before joining the course you should take a free trial class in order to get familiar with teacher, course content, teaching methodologies and so on. We have formulated the free trial classes for the sake of client’s satisfaction.
1Shall I pay for a course in advance?
You need to pay the fees on monthly basis. We collect the fee for the first month in advance after you finish the trail class and register for a course.
1I am not getting a makeup class?
If a teacher misses a class due to some unforeseen circumstances and is unable to schedule a makeup class themselves as well, The QuranandQuran team shall schedule a makeup class with another teacher if the teacher is still unavailable to teach, otherwise a makeup class shall be scheduled by QuranandQuran themselves when the teacher becomes available .
1Do we have male/female staff?
Keeping our culture and values in mind, QuranandQuran offers both female and male teaching staff, if you want to avail a female teacher for a female student, you have that option readily available for you. Just request a female teacher when signing up for our courses.

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